AnyDesk Power License , extending your existing Anydesk license by one year . Here licensing is for active devices - devices starting sessions. Number of sessions unlimited, but active devices in the package 3. You can purchase more .
You can only purchase extensions. As of August 2021, the product has been replaced by Anydesk Standard

The license allows you to
- Unlimited number of sessions at a time
- Installation on unlimited number of workstations
- 3 active devices starting sessions.
New Remote Desktop Solution
You know remote desktops as they used to be: slow and tedious. While working on AnyDesk, we took a step back and asked ourselves some fundamental questions. How does remote desktop need to work? What can you achieve with modern computer equipment?
And that's how we reinvented AnyDesk . DeskRT is at the core: a new and efficient image transmission method, designed specifically for graphical user interfaces. This puts AnyDesk clearly ahead of the competition.
Competitive products only promise that they are able to ensure smooth image transmission. But AnyDesk, the world's fastest remote desktop control app, delivers on that promise. AnyDesk makes possible applications that would be unthinkable with existing remote desktop control software.
- additional active device for Anydesk Power license
- Professional license is licensed per session .
Other Anydesk licenses :