Emsisoft Anti-Malware 2 year license for the lowest price . Please ask for price.
Ani-Maleware type program to protect your computer from malware.
Emsisoft's security research team found that only 0.5% of all threats (in 2012) are classic viruses. It would be theoretically wrong to call our product an antivirus program. We are perfectionists, so we chose the name "Anti-Malware" because our product detects all types of threats, such as viruses (0.5%), rootkits (1.0%), adware (2.7%), potentially harmful applications (4.1%), worms (4.6%), password stealers (5.3%), online game password stealers (6.9%), backdoors (13.3%) and Trojan horses (61.3%). Not all "Anti-Malware" programs available on the market offer the same level of protection.