PRTG Monitors Every Aspect of Your IT Infrastructure
PRTG Network Monitor monitors all systems, devices, traffic and applications of your IT infras ...
ADOBE Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Stock license from Adobe for one year for Windows or macOS. Multi language - many languages including Polish. Ado ...
PL/SQL Developer - Annual Service Contract is a yearly support contract providing PL/SQL Developer license updates during that period.
PL/SQL Developer is ...
PL/SQL Developer - a license for the integrated developer environment (IDE) of the Oracle PL/SQL database intended for testing, debugging, and optimizing quer ...
PL/SQL Developer - integrated developer environment (IDE) for Oracle PL/SQL databases designed for testing, debugging, and optimizing queries, sql commands, a ...
Anydesk Advanced license for up to 1000 managed devices, up to 50 users in a team. Possibility to purchase up to 50 connections with the Anydesk Advanced lice ...