Mercalli jest programem do stabilizacji wideo, niezależnie od tempa akcji.
Wersja standalone dla Windows.
Nasza firma to bezpośredni dystrybutor Mercalli i firmy ProDAD w Polsce.
Now for Windows® and Macintosh® NLEs – Mercalli V2
3D video stabilization plus Rolling-Shutter-Compensation plus Zoom/Schwenk-Optimization in one complete package.
Mercalli V2 employs revolutionary new 3D video stabilization, which independently stabilizes the X, Y, and Z camera axis, delivering better post-capture video stabilization results than any other product on the market – hands down. Mercalli also employs some unique Dynamic Camera Options that lets you precisely control the level of stabilization so the character of the video is retained.
PRTG to bezagentowe oprogramowanie do łatwego monitorowania sieci