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    CrossOver Life (Lifetime Support)

    Crossover Macintosh to genialny program do uruchamiania programów i gier dla Windows na Mac-u (Apple Macintosh OS X). Program w najnowszej wersji.

    Zapewnia środowisko potrzebne do uruchamiania programów Windowsowych na Macintosh.  Opiera się na mocno zmodyfikowanej, komercyjnej wersji Wine.

    Pozwala na uruchomienie programu lub gry dla Windows na Mac-u bez licencji na Windows.

    Ta wersja Crossover zawiera pakiet Crossover Games.

    Dokładna lista wspieranych programów.
    Dokładna lista wspieranych gier.

    Kupuj z pierwszej ręki. Nasza firma jest oficjalnym, polskim dystrybutorem tego programu.

    Wymagania systemowe

    Program dostępny także w wersji na Linux.

    Type of delivery: e-mail, esd
    Delivery time: within 2 working days

    Why choose this software store?
    Our store is secure and offers the safe purchase of sofware CrossOver Life (Lifetime Support):
    • Guarantee that a licence is issued for an end user for software CrossOver Life (Lifetime Support).
      - our experiencee assures, that the license for a CrossOver Life (Lifetime Support) license will be correctly delivered and issued for an end user.
    • an EU VAT invoice for the purchase of the CrossOver Life (Lifetime Support) software. You can easily book that invoice CrossOver Life (Lifetime Support) in costs.
    • A license Certificate in a pdf file in price and for free for the CrossOver Life (Lifetime Support) software
    • the customer-friendly privacy rules
      - no spies = no unwanted adverts
      - no unwanted mails besides order processing for CrossOver Life (Lifetime Support)
    • purchase secure by:

    For more information, please visit this products webpage.
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    Saturday 15 March 2025
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