TeamViewer licencja Remote Access to pojedynczy użytkownik, 1 połączenie, 3 urządzenia docelowe.
SmartBear TestComplete Pro Bundle Node-locked License is a SmartBear license bundle that includes:
software per workstation.
SmartBear TestComplete can be purchased in a bundle:SmartBear TestComplete Pro Bundle Node-locked - per-seat license SmartBear TestComplete Pro Bundle Floating - floating license
or separately:
SmartBear TestComplete Platform Node Locked - floating license SmartBear TestComplete Platform Floating - Per Seat License
individual modules:
SmartBear TestComplete Desktop Node Locked - Per-seat license SmartBear TestComplete Desktop Floating - floating license SmartBear TestComplete Web Node Locked - Per-seat license SmartBear TestComplete Web Floating - floating license SmartBear TestComplete Mobile Node Locked - Per Seat License SmartBear TestComplete Mobile Floating - floating license