Windows&.Net Magazine readers selected Remote Administrator (Radmin) as Best Remote Management Tool from a large field of contenders. The product drew accolades from readers for its ease of use, solid performance, and minuscule memory requirement.

Radmin received the highest rating from Download.com

Sunbelt awarded Radmin as the best remote control software 2002!
Tucows gives Remote Administrator the rating of 5 COWS, its highest award! We are proud to announce that Remote Administrator has received a rating of 5 COWS. Radmin brings robust remote administration to Windows NT/2000 Dec 5, 2000

CNET ranked Radmin as a CNET pick, its highest award! A high ranking of any kind on CNET is quite an achievement.

5 Stars from ZDNet The reviewers of ZDNet awarded Remote Administrator a 5-star rating. ZDNet says about Radmin, "It deserves a look from anyone even considering remote control or anyone looking to provide these tools to a help desk.". To read the full review, click here...

5 stars from WebAttack WebAttack is a virtual software archive that specializes in web related software and Internet tools. The site is designed to let you access its information quickly and efficiently. WebAttack reviewed Radmin and awarded it their Editor's Gold Pick.

Remote Administrator on www.winfiles.com! This award comes from one of the most popular shareware sites!

5 Stars from FileTransit FileTransit reviewed Radmin, listed it on their site and awarded it their highest rating, 5 STARS!

Slaughterhouse.com Pick Of The Day: Popular shareware site picked Remote Administrator as their Daily Pick: "… Don't just be a sheep and run off to CompUSA to snag pcANYWHERE without trying some alternatives first. You won't be sorry …"

5 stars from HotLib HotLib reviewed Radmin, listed it on their site and awarded it their highest rating, 5 STARS!